Title: Commemorating the 103rd Annual General Meeting of Newstead PPA On the auspicious day of April 27, 2024, the school premises of Newstead Girls College buzzed with reverence and remembrance as the 104th Annual General Meeting of the Newstead Past Pupils’ Association unfolded. Guided by the opening prayer led by the Reverend Sumith Weeramunde, the gathering embarked on a journey of reflection and celebration. Amidst the agenda lay a poignant moment—the unveiling of the late Principal Mrs. H. M. Gayani Prasanthika’s photograph, a cherished icon of the association. Former Principal Mrs. R. M. Senarathne eloquently delivered an eulogy, unveiling a vivid picture of Mrs. Herath’s enduring legacy. The Treasurer, Mrs. Priyadharshani Muthugala, presented the financial reports for the years 2023 and 2022, highlighting the association’s fiscal stewardship. Meanwhile, Vice President Mrs. Shyara Nishadi shared the remarkable progress achieved in the years gone by, underscoring the unwavering commitment to excellence. A moment of innovation and pride marked the launch of a vehicle badge, a tangible symbol of Newstead’s spirit, crafted and brought to life by the talented Brass Band of the college. In a bittersweet transition, the torch of leadership passed as the present committee gracefully resigned, paving the way for the election of new committee members. Led by the legal officer Mrs. Champika Alahakoon, the session honored the memory of President Mrs. H. M. Gayani Herath, whose legacy will forever be etched in the annals of Newstead’s history. Though the day was tinged with sadness, it was also a testament to resilience and camaraderie. As we mourned our loss, all planned fun activities were respectfully canceled. Instead, we came together over lunch, sharing memories and forging bonds that will endure beyond the confines of time. In the tapestry of Newstead’s journey, the 103rd Annual General Meeting stands as a poignant chapter—a tribute to the past, a celebration of the present, and a beacon guiding us towards a future filled with promise and possibility.